A message from brcs managing director
There is challenge in front of us all and that is the removal of the President. Zuma has been a liability for a long time and South Africans need to act to restore dignity and to enable prosperity of our country. The NEC and NWC have to be assisted by the citizens to get rid of Zuma. How do we position ourselves as NGOs in the fight for better leadership, economic growth and progressive policies. One has to understand that before we are NGO workers we are the citizens of the country. The current so-called cabinet reshuffle is not the only blunder out of a series of poor political decisions and corruption. We cannot allow the Zuma and his loyalists, Guptas and associates to drain our financial resources. We need to organise our communities, there is a need for a national stay way until the President is recalled or resigns. The longer he stays, the more damage is caused. The ANC has crashed and cannot provide any leadership under JZ. We fought against apartheid… we must unite and fight for the removal of Zuma from his position as President. The only way to remove him is through mass action at a national scale. The question is who coordinates this? This, in the absence of strong labour movement. We need to organise students, workers and all South Africans before it is too late. Let us do the work for the NEC. Zuma’s departure will not be a loss but a huge gain for the ANC and the country. The lip service on radical economic transformation is undesirable and the whole question needs to be unpacked. Radical economic transformation in a country that is experiencing stagnant/ very slow economic could be another false promise. Salute in the name of the struggle for better South Africa for all. Warm regards Phumeza BRC
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